Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Savannah goes to college

School is starting and kids are getting back again to the serious side of life. Learning how to do the things they will need when they are grown up. I just wish they would teach things like making the right decisions for my life, recognizing people who aren't good for me, having fun without breaking the law, treating others kindly and with compassion, finding a path that will use the talents I am personally blessed with, learning how to continue working with people who don't like me or don't accept my own individuality, how to forgive peoples shortcomings, appreciating differences in our beliefs and letting others have them, how to be satisfied with what we have, saying thank you for all our blessings. Of course we need math, english, and the rest, but life is so much more. If our parents weren't prepared to teach us these things how will we ever learn without suffering so many setbacks that we are beaten down before we even begin.

My granddaughter has gone off to college. She has concerns about living in a dorm with someone she doesn't know. Well, so does the other girl. She'll be fine because she is a friendly, sharing, compassionate young woman and was brought up with good morals and she knows about responsibility and teamwork. Both to herself and others. I have been so melancholly thinking about her growing up. She is the first of my grandchildren to leave the nest. I want her to succeed in everything she wants from life. I am a realist though. I know that can't always happen. It's so exciting watching her mature and grow. I hope all her dreams are worthy of her. She's pretty incredible, even if she weren't my grandchild. Good luck Savannah! My prayers are with you and angels are surrounding you wherever you go.

My son, preserve sound judgment and discernment, do not let them out of your sight; they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck. -- Proverbs 3:21-22


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