Great Gypsy Tea Gathering
Now I'm excited!!! Final preparations have been made for Prudence's 'Great Gypsy Tea Gathering' on Friday October 14, 05!!! We have a genuine Gypsy Vanner Horse coming to Prudence's Tea Room for all to admire and make friends with. He was imported this past Spring from Great Britain and was bred by REAL GYPSIES. He is a superior example of the love and care they put into breeding this rare breed of horse. Gypsies have always been know for the knowledge and expertise needed to breed horses of excellent conformation and stamina. They needed these qualities for them to pull the heavy caravans over endless miles of rough terrain. Valentino is a real charmer and as close as we will probably get to a really handsome Gypsy boy at this event. Unless you know of one who would want to come and be fawned over and admired by a group of wild, tea crazed women in loud and colorful costumes.
I have made arrangements for Genevieve, the Jingle Gypsy, to come and entertain us with dancing, singing and storytelling. She travels the country participating in Renaissance Fairs and other such things and will delight us with her wonderful tales of Gypsies and the dances they perform around the campfire. If the weather and the mood is just right, we may sit around a campfire in the woods after our meal to hear her stories and see her dance. She also does tattooing, ( henna) but that is only for the brave at heart.
I am ready to order the special Gypsy tea which I will be serving you and need a final count so I can order the tins of Gypsy Tea you will get to take home with you and enjoy, on cold Winter nights when the fire is burning brightly and the North wind is howling.
The cost for this very wonderful and special tea date at Prudence's Tea Room is $30.00 each. I'm sure you will agree it is something you won't want to miss. Spread the word and plan on coming for a great meal, entertainment and excitement. With all the news of high gas prices and terrible problems in the South caused by the weather, I think we could all use a day out to get our minds on something fun and out of the ordinary. Call or email me right away as I have quite a few reservations already.